Alphabetical List of Past Postings on the Blog "Typo of the Day for Librarians"
Document created 12-14-2006 by Terry Ballard.
Initial data preparation: Carol Reid.
Contributors and editors: Wendee Eyler, Ian Fairclough, Tina Gunther, Phalbe Henriksen, Sue Trombley and Carol Reid, with occasional tinkering by Terry Ballard.
Most recently edited 08-06-2008 by ST
Most recent backup made: 7-24-08; 3:58 pm PST by WE
This document is a tool for cooperative quality control in bibliographic databases. It records, in alphabetical order, erroneous character strings ("words") reported on the blog Typo of the Day for Librarians which commenced operation on April 1, 2007. This blog supercedes Typo of the Day Blog which operated from October 11, 2006 to March 30, 2007. In some cases, the most likely correction is also listed. Your corrections may vary. The project is limited to errors occurring with English-language materials.
For further information on this and associated projects, consult the document
Typographical Errors in Library Databases
Also see a list of words that are spelled right but in the wrong context:
More Typographical Errors in Library Databases
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Typo Word Index
0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
0f/0ff (Of/Off) 12-05-2007
21th (21st) 12-04-2007
2Lst (21st) 12-03-2007
2rd (2nd or 3rd) 12-06-2007
3th (3rd or 13th) 12-07-2007
Abstact (Abstract) 05-21-2007
Acadam* (Academy) 08-24-2007
Accomodate (Accommodate) 10-19-2006
Acess (Access) 02-04-2008
Achievment (Achievement) 02-13-2007
Achitect* (Architect, etc.) 05-19-2008
Achive (Archive, Achievement) 01-11-2008
Acompany (Accompany) 07-17-2007
Acqueduct (Aqueduct) 12-18-2006
Adresses (Addresses) 02-19-2008
Addressess (Addresses) 02-23-2007
Addresss* (Address) 02-22-2007
Adminstration (Administration) 10-11-2006
Aeronatuic* (Aeronautic*) 11-26-2007
Afgan (Afghan) 12-13-2006
Agian (Again) 07-16-2007
Agreee (Agree) 02-18-2008
Agressive (Aggressive) 01-11-2007
Agricutur* (Agriculture) 01-16-2008
Agrument* (Argument) 03-31-2008
Alburquerque (Albuquerque) 08-16-2007
Alchoh* (Alcohol, etc.) 06-18-2008
Alchol* (Alcohol, etc.) 06-18-2008
Aluminmum (Aluminum) 12-12-2007
Ameeri* (America) 08-23-2007
Amd (Amid, And) 01-29-2007
Ameeri* (America) 08-23-2007
Americam* (American*) 08-29-2007
Anahiem (Anaheim) 07-07-2008
Hans Christian Anderson (Andersen) 04-08-2008
Angels/Angles/Anglos 12-22-2006
Angus Dei, Agnes Dei (Agnus Dei) 09-25-2007
Anias Ninn (Anaïs Nin) 11-12-2007
Aniversary (Anniversary) 05-01-2007
Annoint* (Anoint*) 08-31-2007
Announcemnt (Announcement) 03-26-2007
Apalachian (Appalachian) 11-03-2006
Apirl, etc. (April) 04-07-2008
Appendex (Appendix) 04-12-2007
Aquisition (Acquisition) 01-12-2007
Arcobat (Acrobat) 06-04-2007
Artic (Arctic) 11-17-2006
Artisit* (Artist) 12-27-2007
Assemby (Assembly) 04-04-2007
Athelete (Athlete) 04-18-2008
Atmopsheric (Atmospheric) 05-04-2007
Austrailia (Australia) 01-26-2007
Authur* (Author*, Arthur) 04-27-2007
Automobl (Automobile) 01-17-2008
Autum, Autmn (Autumn) 09-24-2007
Avaiable (Available) 04-10-2007
Balck* (Black) 02-28-2008
Balitmore (Baltimore) 09-05-2007
Bantan (Bantam) 07-11-2007
Barbership (Barbershop) 06-09-2008
Barbra, etc. (Barbara) 03-26-2008
Beaurocra* (Bureaucra*) 02-19-2007
Becuase (Because) 12-18-2007
Begining (Beginning) 01-02-2008
Belive* (Believe) 11-23-2007
Bellweather (Bellwether) 04-06-2007
Betweeen (Between) 11-02-2007
Bibical, Bilical, etc. (Biblical) 04-11-2008
Biblingual (Bilingual) 12-06-2006
Bicyle (Bicycle) 06-10-2008
Bilbio* (Biblio*) 03-14-2007
Bood (Book, Blood) 12-11-2006
Booo* (Book) 10-31-2007
Britian (Britain) 01-18-2007
Buenos Aries (Buenos Aires) 06-14-2007
Buidl*, Buidi* (Building, etc.) 05-20-2008
Busness (Business) 02-21-2008
Caldecot (Caldecott) 10-27-2006
Calender* (Calendar) 08-11-2008
Califonia (California) 04-23-2007
Californa (California) 06-04-2008
Candian (Canadian) 01-10-2007
Catolic (Catholic) 04-15-2008
Catolog (Catalog) 07-25-2007
Cby (|c by) 01-17-2007
Ccharles (Charles) 07-20-2007
Celebation (Celebration) 12-29-2006
Cemetary (Cemetery) 06-07-2007
Cemetry (Cemetery) 12-11-2007
Chatanooga* (Chattanooga) 11-30-2007
Chicgo, etc. (Chicago) 05-01-2008
Chilren (Children) 08-08-2007
Christma (Christmas) 12-21-2006
Cincinatti (Cincinnati) 06-05-2007
Citzenship (Citizenship) 11-09-2006
Civilizaton (Civilization) 02-02-2007
Civilz* (Civiliz*) 02-08-2007
Civl* (Civil*) 02-07-2007
Classifiction (Classification) 05-31-2007
Colubm* (Columbus, Columbia) 10-08-2007
Commerical (Commercial) 11-06-2006
Competion (Completion, Competition) 03-23-2007
Comupter* (Computer) 05-22-2008
Concensus (Consensus) 07-17-2008
Congresssional (Congressional) 01-04-2007
Conneticut (Connecticut) 10-05-2007
Constu* (construe, constructing, consulting, etc.) 02-06-2008
Correspondan* (Correspondence, Correspondent) 08-06-2007
Counries (Countries) 08-28-2007
Counrty (Country) 08-28-2007
Counry (Country) 08-28-2007
Countires (Countries) 08-28-2007
Crucifiction (Crucifixion) 04-09-2007
Crucifixation (Crucifixion) 03-21-2008
Cselected (Selected) 04-14-2008
Curch (Church) 06-27-2008
Daivd (David) 07-24-2008
Dalmation (Dalmatian) 10-18-2006
Databse*, etc. (Database) 05-29-2008
Decemer (December) 12-01-2006
Desparate (Desperate) 11-27-2006
Develom*, etc. (Development) 03-14-2008
Develope, etc. (Develop) 03-13-2008
Diaster (Disaster) 03-28-2007
Dicover* (Discover*) 02-07-2008
Dictionaire* (Dictionaries) 08-30-2007
Diety (Deity) 09-26-2007
Digitial (Digital) 11-28-2007
Dinosuar* (Dinosaur*) 01-19-2007
Dirctor (Director) 02-28-2007
Disscussion (Discussion) 03-06-2007
Distrub* (Disturb) 10-26-2007
Dobly (Dolby) 11-29-2007
Documet* (Document) 01-08-2008
Dr. Suess (Dr. Seuss) 03-12-2007
Drunkeness (Drunkenness) 06-26-2007
Ducth, Neterland* (Dutch, Netherland) 12-28-2007
Eary (Early) 04-02-2008
Ecomom* (Econom*) 06-29-2007
Ecstacy (Ecstasy) 01-22-2008
Editoral (Editorial) 05-17-2007
Eduction* (Education, etc.) 05-27-2008
Eighteeth (Eighteenth, Eightieth) 03-29-2007
Einsten (Einstein) 11-13-2007
Einstien (Einstein) 11-13-2007
Electon (Election, Electron) 11-07-2006
Enchanc* (Enhance, etc.) 05-23-2008
Encout*, etc. (Encounter) 02-14-2008
Encyclopd*, etc. (Encyclopedia) 04-10-2008
Enertain* (Entertain, Entertainment, etc.) 08-08-2008
Engish (English) 04-16-2007
Englig* (English*, Enlighten*) 02-08-2008
Englsh (English) 07-22-2008
Englsnd (England) 06-24-2008
Enland, etc. (England) 07-29-2008
Enlish (English) 05-14-2007
Enstein (Einstein) 11-13-2007
Enterance (Entrance) 03-20-2008
Entertaiment (Entertainment) 11-20-2006
Enviornment (Environment) 12-10-2007
Enviroment (Environment) 05-02-2007
Envrionmental (Environmental) 05-29-2007
Equiptment (Equipment) 07-18-2008
Erducation (Education) 06-25-2008
Ethopi* (Ethiopia) 01-04-2008
Europen (European) 08-02-2007
Everday (Everyday) 10-20-2006
Extraod* (Extraordinary) 01-28-2008
Extraodinary (Extraordinary) 11-22-2006
Extraterrestial (Extraterrestrial) 11-23-2007
Facism (Fascism, Facsim.) 04-20-2007
Fascimile (Facsimile) 05-22-2007
Febuary (February) 02-01-2007
Federeal (Federal) 09-10-2007
Fench (French) 06-19-2008
Feschrift* (Festschrift) 1-21-2007
Festchrift* (Festschrift) 1-21-2007
Fetschrift* (Festschrift) 1-21-2007
Finsihed (Finished) 02-22-2008
Flouride (Fluoride) 11-13-2006
Fminis*, Femenis* (Feminist, Feminism) 03-25-2008
Fo (Of, To, For) 05-23-2007
Fokl* (Folk*) 12-19-2007
Foresty (Forestry) 08-09-2007
Foreward (Foreword, Forward) 10-16-2006
Fourty (Forty) 04-13-2007
Franciso (Francisco) 03-19-2008
Freeez* (Freeze) 02-05-2007
Fron (From) 07-28-2008
Funtion*, Fuction* (Function) 02-13-2008
Fuschia, etc. (Fuchsia) 04-23-2008
Gainsville (Gainesville) 08-15-2007
Geneolog* (Genealog*) 03-15-2007
Gerogia (Georgia) 01-08-2007
Ghandi, etc. (Gandhi) 05-30-2008
Gohst (Ghost) 12-28-2006
Goverment (Government) 12-08-2006
Grammer (Grammar) 04-24-2007
Grat Britain (Great Britain) 10-10-2007
Greee* (Gree*) 10-29-2007
Guatamala (Guatemala) 05-12-2008
Halll* (Halloween) 10-30-2007
Haloween (Halloween) 10-31-2006
Hans Christian Anderson (Andersen) 04-08-2008
Harrass* (Harass*) 04-26-2007
Havard (Harvard) 11-29-2006
Hearld (Heard, Herald) 12-19-2006
Hilary/Hillary (Hilary/Hillary) 07-09-2007
Historial (Historical) 06-03-2008
Histroic (Historic) 03-01-2007
Billie Holliday (Holiday) 03-11-2008
Horicultur* (Horticulture) 01-23-2008
Hospt* (Hospital/Hospitalization, etc.) 11-27-2007
Hous (House) 05-21-2008
Humanties (Humanities) 07-14-2008
Hunderd (Hundred) 12-26-2007
Huricane (Hurricane) 08-17-2007
Hurrican (Hurricane) 08-17-2007
Hybid* (Hybrid) 11-14-2007
Hybird* (Hybrid) 11-14-2007
Hybrd* * (Hybrid) 11-14-2007
Hygeien* (Hygiene*) 08-22-2007
Hygein* (Hygiene) 08-22-2007
Hygene (Hygiene) 08-22-2007
Hygenic (Hygienic) 08-22-2007
Hygenist (Hygienist) 08-22-2007
Hygience (Hygienic) 08-22-2007
Hygient* (Hygienic/Hygienist) 08-22-2007
Idenit* (Identity, identify...) 05-10-2007
iinf* (inf*) 06-26-2008
Illl** (Ill*) 05-09-2007
Illlustrat* (Illustrat*) 05-07-2007
Illlustrations (Illustrations) 05-08-2007
Impared (Impaired) 08-06-2008
Impovi* (impoverishment/improvisation ) 08-21-2007
Improvish* (impoverishment/improvisation ) 08-21-2007
Indepedence (Independence) 07-03-2007
Indain* (Indian) 11-22-2007
Inforam* (Information) 07-24-2007
Inforat* (Information) 01-01-2008
Inlud*, etc. (Include) 07-30-2008
Innoculate (Inoculate) 06-11-2007
Instanbul, etc. (Istanbul) 04-30-2008
Intenral (Internal) 04-17-2007
Interent (Internet) 12-20-2007
Jame (James, Jane) 05-25-2007
Jane Austin (Austen) 12-24-2007
Jewelery (Jewelry, Jewellery) 06-06-2007
Jon, Greeleaf, etc., Whitter (John Greenleaf Whittier) 03-27-2008
Jospeh (Joseph) 11-28-2006
Judiasm (Judaism) 03-10-2008
Judical (Judicial) 08-07-2007
Julius Ceasar (Julius Caesar) 12-05-2006
Kentuckey (Kentucky) 10-15-2007
Kentuckly (Kentucky) 10-16-2007
Kentycky (Kentucky) 10-17-2007
Kindgom (Kingdom) 05-11-2007
Knowlede* (Knowledge) 07-05-2007
L (the numeral 1) 10-25-2006
Langauge* (Language) 02-26-2008
Lastest (Latest) 05-16-2007
Learnig (Learning) 03-18-2008
Leprachaun, Leprauchan (Leprechaun) 03-17-2007
Lbrary (Library) 01-30-2007
Libary (Library) 11-14-2006
Lightening (Lightning) 10-30-2006
Ligth* (Light, etc.) 08-07-2008
Linquist* (Linguist) 12-17-2007
Linquistic (Linguistic) 11-30-2006
Los Angles (Los Angeles) 05-03-2007
Louisianna (Louisiana) 12-15-2006
Mangement (Management) 02-20-2007
Manager/Manger (Manger/Manager) 12-20-2006
Manucript (Manuscript) 10-17-2006
Marraige (Marriage) 01-07-2008
Martyd* (Martyr) 12-21-2007
Massacusetts (Massachusetts) 10-10-2007
Medival (Medieval)10-09-2007
Memoral*, etc. (Memorial) 05-26-2008
Metamop*, etc. (Metamorphosis) 05-06-2008
Methematic* (Mathematic) 07-26-2007
Metropolitian (Metropolitan) 12-04-2006
Metropolitian (Metropolitan) 05-24-2007
Mew York (New York) 09-04-2007
Micorf* (Microform) 06-22-2007
Microfrom (Microform) 01-14-2008
Millenium/Millennium (Millenium/Millennium) 10-23-2006
Mineapolis (Minneapolis) 08-14--2007
Miscellanous (Miscellaneous) 01-31-2007
Mississipi (Mississippi) 07-11-2008
Misssion (Mission) 05-13-2008
Monthy (Monthly) 08-05-2008
Moom (Moon) 06-20-2008
Mountian (Mountain) 04-01-2008
Mountian/Moutain (Mountain) 01-23-2007
Muscians (Musicians) 04-30-2007
Musem, etc. (Museum) 02-11-2008
Musican (Musician) 07-25-2008
Nashiville (Nashville) 12-14-2007
Neopolitan (Neapolitan) 07-12-2007
New York (Satte) (State) 02-09-2007
New Yrok (New York) 07-23-2007
Newberry (Newbery) 10-27-2006
Newpaper (Newspaper) 08-03-2007
Newstand (Newsstand) 10-25-2007
Nintey (Ninety) 01-25-2007
Nonverbial (Nonverbal) 01-03-2007
Nothern (Northern) 01-29-2008
Novermb* (November) 11-01-2007
Nuclar, etc. (Nuclear) 02-01-2008
Oceangraphic (Oceanographic) 09-18-2007
Oceangraphy (Oceanography) 09-18-2007
Ochestra (Orchestra) 07-06-2007
Ocober (October) 10-01-2007
Octber (October) 10-02-2007
Ofthe (Of the) 11-21-2006
Operaton* (Operation*) 07-02-2007
Ophtalm* (Ophthalmology) 11-20-2007
Ophtham* (Ophthalmology) 11-20-2007
Opthalm* (Ophthalmology) 11-20-2007
Optham* (Ophthalmology) 11-20-2007
Opthom* (Ophthalmology) 11-20-2007
Orcherstra* (Orchestra) 11-15-2007
Orchesrt* (Orchestra) 11-15-2007
Orchestrs (Orchestra) 11-15-2007
Orchetra* (Orchestra) 11-15-2007
Orchstra* (Orchestra) 11-15-2007
Orgin* (Origin) 01-24-2008
Ottowa (Ottawa) 04-04-2008
Ound recording (Sound recording) 09-13-2007
Paino (Piano) 08-10-2007
Parctic (practice, practical) 12-14-2006
Partnerhip* (Partnership) 02-27-2008
Partrick (Patrick) 03-05-2007
Pennsly*, Pennsyv* (Pennsylvania) 07-31-2008
Penquin (Penguin) 07-10-2007
Perodical (Periodical) 04-190-2007
Perserv* (Preserve, Preservation, etc.) 04-21-2008
Philadelpha (Philadelphia) 04-18-2007
Philiip*, Pillip*, etc. (Phillip*, Philip*, etc.) 05-08-2008
Philosphy (Philosophy) 02-20-2008
Photgraph*, etc. (Photograph*) 05-02-2008
Photograpy (Photography) 07-19-2007
Phsy*, Pshy* (Phys*, Psych*) 04-24-2008
Physcial (Physical) 09-17-2007
Picure* (Picture) 03-12-2008
Pilgrams (Pilgrims) 11-22-2007
Pillip*, Philiip*, etc. (Philip*, Phillip*, etc.) 05-08-2008
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) 03-13-2007
Playright (Playwright) 11-15-2006
Playwrite (Playwright) 11-15-2006
Poerty (Poetry) 08-20-2007
Polictc* (Politic*) 02-05-2008
Porpos* (Propose, etc.) 06-16-2008
Portait* (Portrait) 11-19-2007
Posible (Possible) 02-12-2007
Potrait* (Portrait) 11-19-2007
Potriat* (Portrait) 11-19-2007
Povery (poverty) 08-21-2007
Pradise (Paradise) 01-22-2007
Proceedur* (Procedure, etc.) 07-15-2008
Progam* (Program) 11-09-2007
Propogate(Propagate) 09-07-2007
Protrait* (Portrait) 11-19-2007
Preceedings (Proceedings) 04-17-2008
Precipation (Precipitation) 02-26-2007
Presss* (Press/Pressed/Pressing/Presses) 09-28-2007
Pricipal* (Principal) 09-12-2007
Priviledge* (Privilege) 06-20-2007
Proctor & Gamble (Procter & Gamble) 06-12-2007
Professinal (Professional) 04-25-2007
Progess (Progress) 01-15-2008
Pronograph* (Pornography) 04-09-2008
Pronounciation (Pronunciation) 12-12-2006
Proverty (poverty) 08-21-2007
Pshy*, Phsy* (Phys*, Psych*) 04-24-2008
Psued* (Pseudonym) 06-19-2007
Pubic (Public) 10-26-2006
Pubish* (Publish*) 07-27-2007
Qualtiy (Quality) 03-22-2007
Questionaire (Questionnaire) 11-08-2006
Quide (Guide) 07-30-2007
Ramdom, Ramdon (Random) 07-16-2008
Rcord* (Record) 02-29-2008
Recieve (Receive) 05-14-2008
Recoding Recording) 10-24-2006
Recoring (Recording) 10-24-2006
Refridg* (Refrigerator) 11-13-2007
Religon* (Religion, etc.) 05-28-2008
Rememberance (Remembrance) 06-02-2008
Reocrd* (Record, etc.) 04-25-2008
Reort* (Report*) 05-07-2008
Requiremens* (Requirement/s) 08-27-2007
Requiremet* (Requirement/s) 08-27-2007
Requiremn* (Requirement/s) 08-27-2007
Requirm* (Requirement/s) 08-27-2007
Requr* (Require/Requirement) 08-27-2007
Resarch (Research) 05-18-2007
Residental (Residential) 09-27-2007
Resolutiom (Resolution) 01-02-2007
Revelan*, Releven* (Relevance, etc.) 01-21-2008
Rhumatolog*(Rheumatology) 09-11-2007
Rocester (Rochester) 05-09-2008
Rockfeller (Rockefeller) 11-07-2007
Romatic (Romantic) 02-15-2007
Roomate* (Roommate) 06-28-2007
Rvolution*, etc. (Revolution, Revolutionary) 07-04-2008
San Fransisco (San Francisco) 05-16-2008
Sate (State) 04-29-2008
Savanah (Savannah) 06-13-2008
Schol (School) 12-25-2007
Scholary(Scholarly) 09-21-2007
Scientiest (Scientist) 04-03-2007
Scondary (Secondary) 10-12-2006
Sculture (Sculpture) 08-04-2008
Scuptur* (Sculpture) 03-28-2008
Seatle (Seattle) 01-16-2007
Selct (Select) 11-02-2006
Seperate (Separate) 05-15-2008
Shakepear* (Shakespeare) 10-24-2007
Sibiling* (Sibling) 9-14-2007
Sidney (Sydney) 05-05-2008
Similarily (Similarly) 12-07-2006
Softwear (Software) 12-13-2007
Soliders (Soldiers) 07-10-2008
Solist (Soloist) 12-31-2007
Sourse* (Source*) 04-28-2008
Southest (Southeast or Southwest) 01-24-2007
Speach (Speech) 06-27-2007
Sping (Spring) 03-20-2007
Sprng (Spring) 03-19-2007
Stehpen (Stephen) 12-26-2006
Steriod* (Steroid) 03-24-2008
Stero (Stereo) 02-06-2007
Stockmarket (Stock Market) 07-09-2008
Sucess (Success) 10-13-2006
Summery, Summeries (Summary, Summaries) 07-01-2008
Summm* (Summer, Summary, Summaries) 06-21-2007
Sundy, etc. (Sunday) 08-01-2008
Supris* (Suprise) 11-06-2007
Survery* (Survey) 11-05-2007
Sydney (Sidney) 05-05-2008
Taht (That) 11-16-2006
Tallahasee (Tallahassee) 06-08-2007
Taxanation (Taxation) 04-16-2008
Technolgy (Technology) 01-05-2007
Tecnology (Technology) 06-12-2008
Teh (The) 11-16-2006
Televison (Television) 09-20-2007
Temperment (Temperament) 07-08-2008
Thankgiving (Thanksgiving) 11-22-2007
Thanksiving (Thanksgiving) 11-22-2007
Thansgiving (Thanksgiving) 11-22-2007
Thnaksgiving (Thanksgiving) 11-22-2007
The the (The) 03-02-2007
Thoer* (Theory) 01-30-2008
Tjhe (The) 03-21-2007
Tomstone (Tombstone) 06-11-2008
Tot he (To the) 10-22-2007
Transexual* (Transsexual) 01-09-2008
Transporat* (Transport*) 06-25-2007
Transprotation (Transportation) 03-27-2007
Treee (Tree) 10-04-2007
Trukey (Turkey) 11-22-2007
Turky (Turkey) 11-22-2007
Tuscon (Tucson) 08-13-2007
Twleve (Twelve) 07-02-2008
Ulysees (Ulysses) 06-15-2007
Undertand (Understand*) 04-03-2008
United Stated (United States) 07-31-2007
Unitedstates (United States) 07-13-2007
Univeristy (University) 01-09-2007
Universith (University) 06-06-08
Universty (University) 07-23-2008
Unkown (Unknown) 02-25-2008
Unted (United) 02-15-2008
Untied States (United States) 11-01-2006
Unversity (University) 07-18-2007
Vacaton (Vacation) 03-07-2007
Valentines's (Valentine's) 02-14-2007
Vermon (Vermont) 10-03-2007
Vidore* (Videorecording) 01-25-2008
Vioin* (Violin, Violins) 03-03-2008
Virgina (Virginia) 04-02-2007
Viriginia (Virginia) 12-27-2006
Vistor (Visitor) 06-13-2007
Wasigton (Washington) 10-11-2007
Wasington (Washington) 02-27-2007
Washinton (Washington) 06-05-2008
Weeky (Weekly) 03-04-2008
Westminister (Westminster) 06-18-2007
Whichcraft (Witchcraft) 11-08-2007
Wichcraft (Witchcraft) 11-08-2007
Widecreen (Widescreen) 06-01-2007
Wierd (Weird) 06-23-2008
Wildife, etc. (Wildlife) 04-22-2008
Wildnerness (Wilderness) 03-09-2007
Willl* (Willa/William, etc.) 11-16-2007
Wirtten (Written) 02-12-2008
Witchita (Wichita) 05-30-2007
Withcraft (Witchcraft) 11-08-2007
Witht (With) 02-16-2007
Wlcome (Welcome) 03-30-2007
Wordly (Worldly) 01-31-2008
Woood*, Woudl, etc. (Wood*, Would, etc.) 01-10-2008
Workship (Workshop, Worship) 01-15-2007
Worshop (Workshop, Worship) 03-08-2007
Writen (Written) 06-17-2008
Wrod (Word) 04-11-2007
Wth (With) 09-06-2007
Wtih* (With, etc.) 06-30-2008
x-Biography (x Biography, --Biography) 03-05-2008
Xdescription (Description) 02-21-2007
Y20th (20th) 10-18-2007
Yates (Yeats) 07-03-2008
Yeaer (Year) 10-19-2007
Yeild (Yield) 05-15-2007
Yourslef (Yourself) 03-06-2008
Zerox (Xerox) 01-18-2008
zgreat or z-great (z Great, --Great) 03-07-2008
Zoolig* (Zoology) 01-03-2008
Zunited (United) 11-10-2006
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